Monday, August 30, 2010

Pediatric Care Now: When Is It Needed?

Many parents wonder if they need to seek pediatric care now. If your child is sick, in pain, or is just not themselves it may be time to contact a pediatric doctor. Pediatricians only treat children ages zero to twenty one years of age. They are experienced with children, knowledgeable about childhood diseases and conditions, and usually enter the field of pediatrics because they actually like children. If you are concerned with your child's health, most offices allow you to call and speak with a nurse if you are unsure about making an appointment.

You may be seeking pediatric urgent care for something as common as a rash, but which you have never dealt with before. A pediatrician can tell you how to treat the rash, give tips on prevention, and may be able to tell you what caused it. These specialized doctors listen to your concerns, take your concerns seriously, and know that parents have special intuition when it comes to their child's health. Pediatricians can also treat a number of virus and diseases including ADHD, allergies, pneumonia, whopping cough, and more. They can prescribe medications, offer expert advice, give common childhood vaccinations, and refer your child to a specialist if needed.
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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Does Your Child Need Pediatric Care Now?

A child receives oral polio vaccine during a 2...                    Image via WikipediaIf your child is not feeling well, you may be considering pediatric care now. As a parent, you know how to treat a fever and bandage a boo boo, but when your child is seriously sick it can be quite scary. Does your child need to see a doctor? It all depends on your child's symptoms, length of illness, and overall health. 

Children with weakened immune systems or pre-existing conditions will need to see a doctor for even minor illnesses and injuries. If your child is healthy, does not have a disease or illness, it is okay to see if your child will get better on their own.

There are some symptoms that should be a red flag that you should seek pediatric care now. If you child is having trouble breathing, has a high fever that is not responding to treatment, acts lethargic, or you suspect dehydration you should seek immediate medical assistance. 

If you child has a low grade fever it is okay to wait a day and see if they show any improvements. As a parent, you can usually tell when your child is really sick, or when they have a common cold. If you are concerned, or are not sure what to do, consult a pediatric doctor for advice.
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